2020 Callaway Family Association Annual Meeting Preview
- All “virtual” Meetings – It was great that people from all over the country, and even from across the pond, were able to participate in the events. Not just sitting on the sidelines watching something, but actually sharing their smiling faces and voices with us. The open conversations and bonding that we were all able to have, before the meetings began, were outstanding. In our normal annual meetings you’re only able to participate in small group conversations. In our virtual meeting format this year we were all able to participate in full group discussions, that was wonderful.
- Board Meetings – Having Lesley Haigh be able to participate in our meetings was a real plus. Great conversations and discussions, and enjoyed getting to spend some time together renewing, rebuilding and growing the family bonds between our CFA Board members. You guys are great. We got the business done that we needed to complete.
- Business Meeting – Having Lesley Haigh and Bill Piper participate in our meeting was another plus. We had great attendance on the business meeting, including several members who have never attended before. Had a little issue with the Zoom polling feature on my end, but it seemed to work well for everyone else. The memorial slideshow, song by Barbara and message from Tarone flowed so well together, I think it really touched our members, I know that it did me. And, last but certainly not least, we voted in some outstanding new Officers and Directors, with the exception of that new President you elected. Hold on to your seats, it’s going to be an exciting & interesting few years!!! 😊
- Genealogy Workshop – We had nearly 45 people participate during the workshop and they were very engaged asking lots of good questions, and sharing great comments. Thank you Judy for a great event, and I also wanted to say thank you to Revis for responding to many of the questions in the group chat channel, that was great to see. We had a non-member in the meeting who signed up for membership immediately following the meeting.
- Saturday Celebration – We had nearly 50 people participating in the celebration at one point in the meeting, as several of the Zoom connections had 2 people watching. The videos of Barbara singing worked better than I could have hoped, and it was almost like we were right their listening to her beautiful voice, thank you Joe and Barbara. Wow, wasn’t it fantastic to be able to meet and talk with NINE “First Time Attenders” and hearing some of their own family stories. I had been hoping that we would have had more participants from our Facebook and Newsletter members, but it worked out very well with the attendance we had as it allowed us a little time to get to know each of the first time attenders a little better. I wish we would have had an opportunity to say thank you in person to Joe and Barbara for all that they do, but it worked out well that we could all see them open the beautiful quilt that Russ, Heide & Heide Ann sent to them.
2019Callaway Family Association Annual Meeting Preview
Our meeting in 2017 was held in Hampton, Virginia
2018 Callaway Family Association Annual Meeting Preview
The annual Callaway Family Association Meeting met along the beautiful downtown Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. We stayed in the Holiday Inn Riverwalk located about 4 blocks from the Alamo and two blocks from the San Fernando Cathedral!
At our Thursday evening dinner it was, as always, so much fun to see many whom we have not seen in a year or more and to meet new ( relatively speaking) Callaways.
As the city of SanAntonio was celebrating it’s 300th anniversary, we started the journey with a pioneer named Tom Jackson to share some of the history of the Mission Trail and the beginning of the city. Tom dressed in authentic clothes that a pioneer would have worn from the late 1800’s including knife and rifle. Many enjoyed getting to know him and have pics made with him. His presentation on the city and the Mission helped prepare us for the next days tour.
Friday morning we boarded a bus and began our trek to the Mission San Jose. We drove past many of the city sites so we could see just how walkable the city, but of course we pointed out trolley’s along the way. We were fortunate to have one of our Callaway Kin, Katherine Callaway Smith, on board to point out some of the beautiful architecture of the city and share some stories with us. Katherine is well steeped in the history of the Texas Callaways and the state itself. She has served on many historical committees and on the board of the Alamo. We visited the beautiful, almost totally restored Mission San Jose, where history comes alive and the work of the early pioneers still continues. As you entered the Mission Church you could see and feel history surrounding you. Leaving the church we traveled out in the country for a real taste of Texas, brisket. Thanks to my Cousin YA and his partner John, we tasted the “best” brisket in Texas…..oh yes, YA has many awards to back up this statement. I also had the privilege of introducing our Callaways to my Polish Aunts; Margaret, Gladys, Betty Jean, and my Uncle Rudy. One of my aunts, Gladys, had spent two days making cookies for the whole bunch. We were entertained by two cowboys full of country music! From here we traveled back to town and the Alamo. The crowds were staggering, but we managed to see a little! A lady inside explained that Friday has now become one of the largest downtown days for tourists! The why of this is because each Friday there is a military graduation from boot camp and parents and family come from everywhere to see their graduates! It is also the day more people get married in San Antonio than any other day…….then they all try to visit the Alamo! Well, we saw a bit then boarded our bus and returned to the hotel. Many chose to ride the riverboat and enjoy the atmosphere of the Riverwalk that evening on their own.
Saturday was a busy day! We held our general meeting and welcomed some more newbies to our group. What a pleasure to meet new people, learn a little more about them and our own history. This annual business meeting always provides an opportunity for us as a group to see the workings of this organization and how well it has done for the last 43 year and how we plan to continue to the next 40 + Year’s. Our founders were great organizers.
As we seek to provide and garner more and more data on our families we try each year to have speakers and workshops to help each other understand genealogy better. This year, one of our genealogists, Revis Leonard, provided us with an excellent presenter. Kathrine Graham is a specialist in DNA and provided a wealth of information about how to use all this info we are receiving. As a novice in all this, even I was able to understand a little better…..and that is saying a lot! After her presentation, she and several of our members were available to answer questions and give connections to others, so that they can continue to learn about their own families.
Saturday night started with a historical bang! The SanAntonio Living History Association presented “6 Flags Over Texas”. Each person was dressed in authentic costume and carrying the flag of the country that once flew over Texas. One of their members, 92 years old, also brought some of his collection of artifacts of the history of Texas. After dinner, we were treated to another gem of Texas, country music. Camille Sanders and a couple of her band entertained us! Camille is only 22 but has been singing around the state since she was 3! She had just returned from her first European tour and came to entertain us. Camille is a rising star and her association with Dolly Parton through a movie, led Dolly to give her a couple of songs to record! She is the fresh face of country music and you should be hearing and seeing more of her!
Sunday is always such an uplifting day but a little sad. Once again our special brother, Tarone Claybrook, led us in a devotion and challenged our hearts and souls. We are and have been fortunate through the years to have those among us share faith and love. Well, here is the sad part, it was time to go home! It is always sad to go but fun to look forward to next year’s meeting!
We look forward to seeing you next year in Berea, KY.
Meeting Coordinator, Barbara Cantley
2017 Callaway Family Association Annual Meeting Preview
Our meeting in 2017 was held in Salt Lake City, Utah at the Salt Lake City Plaza Hotel on October 5th – 8th. Our hosts were Don and Dianna Callaway and we had a great time as always.
Thursday – We had our Welcome Dinner followed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Rehearsal across street.
Friday – Tour of Park City, Utah including a lunch at Grub Steak and returning to attend the hotel Family Research Class prior to a tour of the Family History Library.
Saturday – Family History Library assisted Research followed by the Annual Business Meeting and a fun quiz on the CFA History. Saturday night we held our 42th Annual Banquet and were entertained by Gary Allegretto as he taught us each to play the harmonica. We received the harmonica to take home.
Sunday we had the Devotional Service given by Tarone Claybrook and then we all departed for home.
2016 Callaway Family Association Annual Meeting Review
Wanted to give you a report on how the 2016 meeting went in Roanoke, Virginia.
On Thursday we had our welcome dinner so that all the members could welcome each other back and the new members.
On Friday we went on a tour of the Callaway-Steptoe Cemetery, followed by a tour of the Bedford Museum and D-Day Memorial.
On Saturday morning the Annual Business Meeting was help, followed by a tour of three Callaway homes – the Dr. Amos home, the Callaway House and the Russ Callaway Home. We enjoyed a traditional pig pickin for lunch.

Saturday night we had our annual Dinner and were entertained by a local country band.
Sunday we had a devotional and all departed for safe travels back home.
As always, we closed the meeting on Sunday with a wonderful opportunity to have Bro. Harold Cantley share the devotional.